Channel: Hungry Lights
Category: Music
Tags: vocal coachhow to use your diaphragmrock vocalsvocals onlyyoutube metalmetalcoretunnel throatpig squeeltutorialfalse cordgutturalsjustin bonitzgrithungry lights coverfrytallahextreme vocalsscreamoheavy musichow to screamprogressive metalhard rockglottal compressiondeathcorehybrid screamingcompressionhungry lights
Description: MY MUSIC AND SOCIAL MEDIA IS ALL LINKED HERE: Join my Patreon (linked above) to gain access to unlisted vocal videos, vocal tutorials, behind-the-scenes content, live Q&As, and receive videos a whole day before everybody else! Hoot me this... There is a lot of misinformation about metal screaming, and I helped put it out there, so let's talk about what to ACTUALLY do and what NOT to do. My video about over-projection and preventing vocal damage: If anyone wants lessons, hit me up at "" 🌀 Thank you so much for all of your support! 🌀 #justinbonitz #howtoscream #tallah